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New Albany Personal Injury Lawyer

Attorney Marc Working on CaseEach day we wake up and expect to experience a day of work, family and enjoyment. But all of this is turned upside down if you’re involved in an injury accident caused by another person. Whether it’s a car crash, workplace accident, trip and fall, motorcycle injury, medical malpractice, 或者是由有缺陷的产品造成的伤害——这些伤害可能是灾难性的, life-changing consequences. One day your life is fine. 第二天,你和你的家人就要面对越来越多的医疗账单, uncertainty, and a great deal of fear.

There are about 97 million emergency room visits annually for unintentional injuries in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  There are roughly 24 million physician office visits each year for accidental injuries.  This means a lot of people are getting hurt.  It’s especially troubling if a person’s injury is due to someone else’s negligence or carelessness.  If that is the case, you may be entitled to file a personal injury claim and receive financial compensation.

The legal system offers you recourse if you have suffered injuries caused by another person or business. Their recklessness and negligence should not mean you are burdened for the rest of your life. A skilled and experienced New Albany personal injury lawyer can explain your rights under the law and file a claim for damages on your behalf.

Choosing the Best Personal Injury Lawyers

Church Langdon Lopp Banet is home to outstanding personal injury lawyers in New Albany.

We all want and need people in our lives that we can trust and feel comfortable with. And when we have been hurt, or someone we love has been harmed, 这种需求可以扩大到包括有能力的法律咨询. At Church Langdon Lopp Banet Law, we work hard to meet all of these needs for our clients. 如果印第安纳州或肯塔基州的人身伤害让你不知所措, 让我们从免费咨询开始提供帮助.

我们律所的律师都是最优秀、最聪明的.  Not only are they smart, 但他们也住在新奥尔巴尼社区,关心这里的居民.  他们深深致力于他们所bet9九州体育登录的客户的福祉.  要了解更多bet9九州体育登录的法律团队,您可以阅读我们的 attorney bios.  You can also read client testimonials 看看满意的客户对我们的bet9九州体育登录有什么评价.


人身伤害诉讼可能发生在任何情况下. Walking, driving, biking, working, shopping, 去看医生——像这样的日常活动经常会发生意外. A New Albany personal injury lawyer at our firm can counsel clients about a variety of personal injury claims including:

  • Bike Accidents
  • Car Accidents
  • Truck Accidents
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Nursing Home Abuse
  • Pedestrian Injuries
  • Product Liability
  • Slip and Fall Accidents
  • Truck Accidents
  • Workplace Injuries
  • Wrongful Death.

不管事故伤害的是一人还是一百人, the best way to protect your rights is to enlist the help of skilled legal representation. Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law understands the urgency of personal injury cases – plaintiffs may be experiencing extreme financial hardship because of medical costs. 这就是为什么我们通常的目标是谈判一个权宜之计, fair settlement for our clients; but when a defendant is uncooperative, 我们完全有能力把你的案子送上法庭.

当一个无辜的人在别人造成的事故中受到伤害时, 他或她有权要求经济赔偿.

Determining Fault

Trusted Advisors. Proven Advocates.

An accident can occur for many reasons, 但当原因是另一个人的疏忽或粗心, 任何因此受伤的人都可以要求赔偿. Negligence, in legal terms, means a person or entity has acted in a way that a reasonable person would believe has a probability of causing serious injury. For example, driving under the influence of alcohol presents a risk of serious injury to oneself and other drivers.

在印第安纳州,过错不是一个全有或全无的概念. Even if you are partly to blame for an accident, you are still eligible for compensation. Liability laws vary among the states, and Indiana follows a modified comparative negligence system with a “51% rule”. Under this system, victims can recover if it is determined that their fault is less than 51%.  As long as the injured party was 50% or less at fault, he or she may still receive damages.

如果发现多人对你的事故负有责任, 他们将被要求承担与其过错相称的损害赔偿责任. If the court finds that some of the fault was contributed by a nonparty to the lawsuit, 有可能故障的分配加起来不会达到100%.



Damages awarded in a civil case are intended to restore the victim as much as possible physically, emotionally, 精神上和经济上都恢复到事故发生前的状态. While financial compensation cannot bring back a livelihood or resurrect a lost loved one, it can assist with day-to-day living, re-establish some peace of mind and make defendants accountable for their actions. Damages may include:

  • 失业期间收入损失的工资
  • 因未来盈利能力下降而失去盈利潜力
  • Medical expenses for hospitalization, ongoing treatment, rehabilitation, and any expected future medical costs
  • Pain and suffering compensation for the physical and emotional pain caused by the accident
  • 毁坏财产赔偿受害人的汽车损坏, clothing, 或因事故造成的其他个人物品.

损害赔偿是根据过失的比例来裁决的, so, for example, 如果判定你有30%的过错, your recovery will be reduced by 30 percent.

Common Injuries Due to Accidents

An experienced New Albany personal injury lawyer has seen many types of injuries.

Whether you are injured in a car crash, on-the-job accident, fall, or other serious incident, 你可能会有大量的医疗费用和请假. 我们的律师看到的一些最常见的伤害是:

  • Neck and back injuries
  • Concussions
  • TBI
  • Broken bones
  • Internal bleeding
  • Organ damage
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Paralysis.

如果你受了重伤,你的生活就会天翻地覆. It is suddenly hard to earn wages, support your family, spend time caring for your children, and enjoy the pleasures of everyday life. You don’t have to face these things alone. If you were injured due to someone else’s negligence, there is a legal remedy.


一般来说,越早提出伤害事故索赔越好. 当你卷入人身伤害事故并受伤时, 你应该马上去看医生. 这是否意味着要坐救护车去医院急诊室, driving yourself to an urgent care center, or talking to your family doctor in person, make sure you do this. 迅速就医很重要,原因有二:

  1. 它能确保你迅速得到所需的治疗, 从而防止进一步的伤害或感染.
  2. It establishes medical records – or a “paper trail” – that details your injuries, provides a treatment plan, and explains how the injury happened. 这些记录在以后证明你的法律案件时很重要.

By seeking medical treatment promptly – within hours or days of the accident – you will be well positioned to file a personal injury claim before the deadline. 如果由于某种原因你的症状在几天或几周内没有出现, then you should seek medical attention as soon as you become aware of symptoms.

Proving Negligence in Court


法律对如何证明伤害案件中的过失有非常具体的规定. 要证明过失,你必须证明四个要素:

  1. Duty
  2. Breach
  3. Causation
  4. Damages.


The defendant owes the plaintiff a legal “duty of care” in the circumstances unique to the case.  例如,在滑倒案件中,店主欠法律赔偿 duty 及时清除泄漏物,不让危险情况继续下去.


原告必须证明被告违反了这一义务, or failing to do, something that a reasonably prudent person would have done in a similar situation.  通情达理人标准是过失案件的核心.


In these cases, 被告的过失行为是不够的, but you must show that their negligence caused or contributed to 导致你受伤的事故或不幸.


Damages are present if there’s a monetary way of compensating a plaintiff for their injuries.  For example, damages 是否可以获得赔偿以支付医疗费, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, or burial costs in wrongful death claims.

Statute of Limitations in Indiana

In Indiana, the deadline for both 人身伤害和财产损失索赔是 two years.  However, you don’t want to wait that long.  It’s best to sue as soon as possible after the accident so that evidence doesn’t get lost and the accident scene doesn’t change significantly.  You also want to get witness statements while their memories are still fresh.  Additionally, it helps your case if you can get photos of your injuries and the accident scene, and an attorney can help you do this.

Also, 如果你起诉印第安纳州(例如), because of inadequate road maintenance), 你必须在事故发生后270天内提起这类诉讼. 如果你想起诉印第安纳州的县或市, 你只有180天的时间向法院提起诉讼.

How We Get Paid

We work on a contingency fee basis, which means that we get paid only if we collect money for you. 诉讼费和诉讼费将由委托人承担. 我们见过各种各样的人身伤害案件, and we know the high price that victims and their families pay when a serious personal injury occurs. Learn more about your rights and options under the law by contacting us today.


Whether in pre-suit settlement negotiations, mediation, arbitration, or litigation, we are committed to fighting for you.  The New Albany personal injury lawyers at Church Langdon Lopp Banet Law deeply care about our clients.  填写我们的bet9九州体育登录线路表格,或今天打电话给我们 812-725-8224 to speak with a personal injury lawyer who is concerned about your problems and is willing to work with you, not just for you, in finding a solution.

Client Testimonial

“在我们的生活中,有时我们会受到情况的摆布……. At best they can be annoyances, 在最坏的情况下,它们可能危及生命 , 在最好的情况下,他们可以改变生活. Jason Lopp watched my situation evolve, one into another, and he adapted and advised with excellence. If you are looking for an attorney that will take the time to explain things to you, cover all options and treat you as if you were a family member that he is taking care of, this is your guy. 而我选择对细节保密, I can say with clarity that Jason met the challenge with competence and that is what life requires at times. Thank you so much for everything. Forever grateful.” – Tracy Miller (Google Review)

Attorney Steve Langdon

在印第安纳州和肯塔基州都有执业执照, 史蒂夫·兰登是一位经验丰富的老年律师和出庭辩护律师. In addition to his litigation and trial work, Steve’s practice includes wills, trusts, probate, Medicaid planning, guardianship, powers of attorney, and advanced directive planning, 包括生前遗嘱和医疗代理指定. [ Attorney Bio ]

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