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What Is Considered an Asset in Divorce?

  • November 30, 2022
  • CLLB Law
  • Divorce

After a marriage ends, countless questions typically arise. One of the first questions many couples ask our attorneys is, “What exactly are considered assets in a divorce?” In Indiana, any property is considered an asset during a divorce settlement, regardless of how it was obtained. 因为印第安纳州不属于共同财产州, none of your assets will be considered community property. Divorce usually results in a 50/50 division of assets, but some circumstances can result in an unequal distribution, depending on various contributing factors.

What Are Considered Assets in a Divorce Settlement?

Joint ownership is established for any and all assets, 包括配偶一方购买或共同购买的任何物品. This is different from many states, “婚姻财产”是指在婚姻存续期间购买的物品或财产吗. Assets can include — but are not limited to — the following:

  • Jewelry
  • Money earned during the marriage
  • Retirement accounts
  • Vehicles
  • Home and property
  • Collections
  • Memorabilia
  • Businesses
  • Investment portfolios.

What Assets Are Safe From Divorce?

国内大多数家事法庭承认配偶拥有分开的财产 property apart from their combined property. Unfortunately, 印第安纳州是不会自动授予夫妻独立财产的州之一. All assets are fair game in the divorce settlement,这可能会导致双方或他们的律师之间的争论. Those assets that comprise the marital estate are divided at the time of the divorce. 除了某些财产,还有一些其他资产是不受离婚协议影响的.

Gifts and Inheritances

In Indiana, 即使是礼物和遗产也不被认为是单独或不可分割的财产, 这意味着获得遗产的配偶可能仍然有责任分割以这种方式获得的任何资产的一部分. Despite this, 大多数州的法律规定,夫妻双方如果想要将财产作为独立财产来对待,就必须承担举证责任.

Premarital Property

In the state of Indiana, 任何一方带入婚姻的财产不再被认为是分开的. 它进入夫妻财产池,可以通过和解或通过法院系统进行分割. This is the same treatment as if the old property had been merged with other marital property.

State Laws

There are two types of states: equitable distribution states and community property states. According to state law, in a community property state, 婚姻期间获得的任何财产由夫妻双方共同拥有. 婚前拥有的财产和配偶赠予或继承的财产通常被排除在共同财产州之外. There are very few community property states left. 印第安纳州和大多数州一样,对离婚财产进行公平分配. This law takes a variety of factors into consideration, 包括婚姻期间配偶双方的需求和经济贡献. 没有争议的离婚可以通过配偶之间的协议迅速结束.

Property Per Agreement

如果夫妻不喜欢国家使用的默认规则,他们可以自行协商解决这个问题. In a divorce, this may be accomplished via mediation or negotiation. For instance, the spouses may agree to divide their property. A judge may include this agreement in the divorce decree. 作为另一种选择,配偶可以在结婚前达成协议. A prenuptial agreement, for example, 是否可说明在离婚或死亡的情况下如何处理财产. 为了使婚前协议具有可执行性,通常必须遵循一些特定的程序, 例如披露某些财务信息,并被告知需要寻求独立的法律意见. Unlike a prenuptial agreement, 婚后协议是在一对夫妇结婚后签订的.


Divorce does not have to be a difficult process. According to your state’s divorce laws, 你必须满足某些条件才能提出离婚. As soon as you file for divorce, 其他因素,如子女抚养费和配偶抚养费也会起作用. 下面你会发现大多数人在离婚时会问的几个问题.

Who Determines How Assets Will Be Divided?

离婚的配偶通常可以根据“婚姻和解协议”自由分割财产.这份合同分割财产和债务,并解决离婚后的其他问题. 很多离婚案的解决不需要法官裁决财产或其他问题, even though many begin with a great deal of acrimony. 如果财产分割不能解决,必须由法院裁决.

Will I Receive Spousal Support?

为了获得配偶抚养费(在印第安纳州和肯塔基州被称为配偶抚养费), 有几个因素会决定你的具体情况. This includes the need for additional income, the sufficiency of funds for the payor, 婚姻的长短和双方的健康状况.

Will I Lose My Pension as a Result of My Divorce?

Retirement plans and pensions are marital assets; typically, 他们将根据婚姻期间的收入来分配. 你的婚前收入也可能被视为婚姻资产,这取决于你所在的州. 然而,为了保持养老金的完整,养老金可能会被其他资产抵消.

Should I Keep the House If I Have Custody of Our Children?

In addition to taxes and insurance, 确定维护房子需要多少钱是很重要的. As a next step, 确定每个月是否有足够的收入来维持房子的良好状态. Then, 是否保留房子的决定应该与是否放弃其他资产(如流动账户和退休计划)的决定进行比较. 所有决定都应根据当前的经济和股票市场状况作出.

How Much Child Support Should Be Paid?

In the state of Indiana, child support 是基于以周收入为基础的准则吗. 法院将通过要求各方提交的工作表核实所有总收入, detailing their income and expenses. Income includes all wages, commissions, bonuses, rent and royalty, overtime and any other form of irregular income.

Contact the New Albany Divorce Lawyers at CLLB Law

At CLLB Law,我们的目标是为您提供所需的支持和资源. 我们理解离婚对每个当事人来说都是一件感情上的事情, and it’s important that you have a compassionate, skilled lawyer whom you can trust if things get messy. 如果你和你的配偶决定是时候分开了,bet9九州体育登录线路a divorce attorney at CLLB Law. Give our professionals a call today at 812-725-8224.

Attorney Steve Langdon

Attorney Steve LangdonLicensed to practice in both Indiana and Kentucky, 史蒂夫·兰登是一位经验丰富的老年律师和出庭辩护律师. In addition to his litigation and trial work, Steve’s practice includes wills, trusts, probate, Medicaid planning, guardianship, powers of attorney, and advanced directive planning, 包括生前遗嘱和医疗代理指定. [ Attorney Bio ]

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